Thursday, August 23, 2012

Hang on.

I've been lost in the blogging world for what feels like forever, and it's because of:
1.) My busy schedule. Deadlines, deadlines everywhere!
2.) My laptop just died on me. Bummer. I wish it held on longer.

Enough of the rants! I just want to thank my guy for lending me his iPad. Hugs and kisses from here! :* (okay, really enough alreadyyy...)

So, since I'm almost done with my deadlines and everything, I gave myself permission to make a quick post about my current obsession: Natural/Organic beauty products. (well, this has been on for too long already, but let's just accept 'current' please:) For the past few nights, I've been sleeping late only because I was religiously searching for promising brands which offers natural and/or organic products. I know a few, actually -- Venus and Mars, Human Heart Nature, etc. But what I discovered I think is something more yummy!! I found out about Snoe Beauty.

I've been researching about product reviews for Snoe Beauty's products, and in the end I finally have a looooong list of products to try! I can say I may have been drooling over their products by just seeing the reviews.

Good thing though, I was informed by them that they would be having a Sale tomorrow(Aug. 24) until August 29 at SM Valenzuela, which is quite near and accessible for me. I am really excited! Their promo bundles are A-m-a-z-i-n-g.

Have you tried any Snow Beauty products? Share it to me please! :D

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Utterly Frustrated.

(Warning: rants, rants, and rants.)

Right now, the number one on my "stress-list" is my skin problem: Zits. Pimples. A mild case of Acne.

It's been about two months now, and my face is suffering. From my everyday activities, I can't quite put my finger on it, but there are a lot of components that are adding up to my problem. I've been visiting my trusty Dermatologist once a month now(the only period allowed by my super hectic schedule), and she's been very good and wary about her explanations on why I'm having breakouts. She gave me the commons: Allergic reaction to some products and food as well, irritation due to sun exposure, and Stress. STRESS! I am stressed because of over thinking how the hell I can lift myself up in this problem, and turns out it just makes the problem worst.

I am now on the verge of finding my skin superhero. I've tried a lot of products before: Local Obagi, Kojic Soaps, Dermatologists' prescriptions, Antibiotics. Wayyyy before, it worked out. And now, I wonder why they are all resisting my plea to work out :(

Right now, I am using a 5% Benzoyl Peroxide and Galderma's Epiduo which are prescribed by my Derma. She also asked me to use what she gave me a month ago, a 2% Clindamycin solution, but sad to say I finished a bottle already and I didn't see any improvement. Then, I remember using Dalacin C (A Clindamycin made by Pfizer) diluted in Eskinol Classic White back in High School. I decided to replace the 2% Clindamycin with the Dalacin C+Eskinol, with my Derma's consent of course, since she said it is just almost the same.

I am utterly frustrated! And I really hope this works this time.. I want my pre-acne skin back already :(

Found your skin superhero? Share it with me please!